by John Troy | Jan 29, 2020 | Employers, Hiring, Recruiting
In 2019, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a mere 3.6%, a near 50-year low. Candidates were in the driver’s seat in 2019, fueling a war for top talent in the education sector. The U.S. economy set records in July for the nation’s longest-ever economic expansion,... by John Troy | Nov 21, 2019 | Company Culture, Employers, Hiring, Leadership, Management, Recruiting
One of the best ways to fill a job is by keeping valuable employees from leaving their positions in the first place. Recruiting is only half the battle; once you hire them, you need to work just as hard on an ongoing basis to retain your talented colleagues. Everyone... by John Troy | May 21, 2019 | Changing Careers, Education, Training
If you’re an educator looking to move out of the classroom, there are plenty of other alternative careers for teachers in the education world. You may not know which roles you’re qualified for or what you would enjoy doing. Way too many people leave the education... by John Troy | Apr 25, 2019 | Education, Employers, Hiring, Job Interview, Leadership, Training
If you’ve ever hired someone, you know how the process starts. With your dream candidate in mind, you eagerly write out the job description. Master’s Degree. Ten years of total work experience and five years in a similar field. Management experience. Strong track... by John Troy | Feb 12, 2019 | Employers, Hiring, Leadership
Hiring in the education space is hard. As employers, hiring managers, and human capital professionals in this sector, it’s imperative that we find candidates that not only align with our job descriptions, but that also line up with the mission and values we hold dear....