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Sep 22, 2016

Top 10 Tips for a Remarkable Resume

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Creating or updating your resume can feel like one of many daunting pieces about launching a new job search. However, having an up-to-date resume on file is always a great idea in case your dream job pops up even when you aren’t actively job seeking. Often, your resume is the first impression that an employer has of you, and it can make or break whether you move onto the next stage of the process. Check out our list of Top 10 Tips for a Remarkable Resume to make sure yours stands out above the rest:

1. Appropriate Length: One of the most common questions about resumes is how long they should be. As a general rule for the non-profit/education sector, keep resumes to only one page if you have less than 10 years of work experience or fewer than four jobs. If you do expand beyond one page, be sure to use your space wisely – adjust the formatting to take up the entirety of the second page so that the document looks uniform. Be sure the most important information remains on page one so that you don’t risk a recruiter or hiring manager not getting to it during application review.

2. Highlight Accomplishments: Bullet points beneath jobs should not read like a job description. As you craft each line, ask yourself, “Does this reflect a responsibility I had or something I accomplished?” Employers want to see your accomplishments to understand how much you excelled in each position.

3. Data, Data, Data! The best way to clearly demonstrate accomplishments is by providing data. How many staff members did you hire? What was the increase in revenue that resulted from the marketing campaign you created? How many reading levels did your students grow? In summary: quantify every accomplishment possible. If you can’t quantify it, revisit tip #2 and be sure your resume doesn’t read too much like a list of responsibilities.

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  • This post was written by Allison Fishbein, WorkMonger‘s Director of JobSeeker Happiness.
  • Create your JobSeeker profile today in just 20 minutes!

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