Who We Serve

We are a talent advisor and workforce solutions firm in the education sector specializing in talent recruitment and selection.

Why WorkTogether?

We are your guiding light through the complexities of human capital challenges in the education sector.

Our Company

Transparent Pricing

The recruitment and selection process doesn’t have to be complex and costly. We believe cost should never be a barrier to high quality talent support

Pricing for Talent

Career Matching: Free
Education Job Board: Free

Board Recruitment

Knowledgeable, diverse boards lead to sustainable and impactful organizations that make a difference for children and communities. We can help build, support and sustain yours.

Woman in sut smiling

Find your next quality board member

Building the right board can be challenging. Depending on your organization, you might need academic expertise, real estate professionals, financial experts, attorneys, seasoned executives, or fundraising know-how. Plus, we know the most effective boards are racially and gender diverse. Add on a desire for connections to your cause and community, plus the fact that it pays nothing and you’ve got your hands full! Don’t worry. We get it. We’ve been there. We can be your trusted partner throughout the process.
On the call we will:

  1. Gain an understading of your needs
  2. Discuss how we can help
  3. Answer questions, touch on pricing & next steps



Tailored To Your Unique Organization

We know every organization is different, and these searches are far from one size fits all. We’ll help you find board members that meet the unique needs of your mission, community, and organizational growth stage.

Targeted Sourcing Support By Talent Professionals

Our talent professionals know how to build strong pools of talented, diverse leaders. We take some of our same techniques from our talent searches for full-time roles and apply them towards finding your organization the volunteer board members it needs.

Address Gaps In Your Current Board

Boards are stronger and reach better decisions when they have diverse groups of people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets. We’ll help you assess the strengths of your board and the gaps in order to best guide our sourcing efforts.

Illustration of two professionals working together on a desktop computer
How We Do It

Robust and efficient practices to drive organizational success

Our process will begin with a kickoff meeting in which we’ll learn more about your organization, your board, and your perceived gaps in board composition. Once aligned on the candidate profile, we will begin outreach to prospective board members, conduct cultivation calls, and introduce you to individuals who are intrigued and excited to learn more.

We Know Boards

Not only are we experienced in board recruitment, many of WorkTogether’s team members have actually served first-hand on boards ourselves. We know what it takes to build a strong board, and we’ve seen what happens when boards go awry. We bring that lived experience to both our conversations with clients and to prospective board members.

Structuring Board Expectations

Healthy, strong boards require more than just the right board members. You need everyone aligned around expectations and rowing in the same direction. We can help you craft your “Board Member Job Description”, i.e. your Board Agreement and Expectations document. This will assist in recruitment and support strong governance once those members have joined the board.


At WorkTogether, we take feedback seriously. We continuously check in with our clients to ensure that we are aligned and incorporating their feedback into the process. Through detailed candidate trackers, scheduled check-ins, and interim touchpoints, there are opportunities built into our standard operating procedures to ensure the board members we recruit will be the strong additions that your board needs.
Ready to take the next step?

Connect with one of our Board Recruitment experts to discuss your needs.

We believe that boards matter. Because strong governance matters.

You need the right voices around the table with the skill-sets, knowledge, perspectives, and connections necessary to ensure your organization is sustainable and serves your mission well. Finding the right volunteers for a position as important and impactful as serving on a board of directors is not easy. But don’t worry. We can help you find them.  

What other leaders are saying

“Honestly, this whole process has been a masterclass in search processes. You all rock – thank you, thank you!”

– Jim, President and Executive Director, DC Public Education Fund

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Let’s Work Together

Meet with one of our experts today to explore how we can help your organization.