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Jan 13, 2016

WorkMonger: The Year Ahead

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Today is the 10 month Anniversary of WorkMonger’s Beta Launch. Here at WorkMonger, we’re working to build something special.  We’re not a search firm, and we’re certainly not a job board. We match the organizations that change the world with the people who fuel their work. WorkMonger is about never dreading another Mondaymorning. WorkMonger is about working for a greater purpose AND a paycheck. We’re about that perfect, unique fit that makes work powerful, meaningful, and fun, all rolled into one.

You’ve been an early adopter. You believe in that mission as much as we do. And today, on our 10 month anniversary and at the start of a new year, I’d like to share an update on our progress.

Where We’ve Been
2015 was a year of testing, tweaking, and trying again. A year of seeing what works and seeing what doesn’t. It’s been a fun year, and a hard year. We’ve deliberately kept WorkMonger small so we could try new things, get your feedback, and fine-tune our approach.  That’s what the Beta phase is all about.

What’s that meant for you?  Hundreds of jobseekers and employers have received job matches to consider. Many have interviewed, received/extended offers, and started work. For those that WorkMonger has matched, it’s been an honor to serve you.

Unfortunately, our desire to keep things small in 2015 also meant we couldn’t serve everyone.  Hundreds of jobseekers did not receive any matches at all due NOT to the quality of their candidacy, but rather due to a small quantity of employers and jobs. Likewise, some of our employers received very few candidates to consider.  We realize that this was likely frustrating, and it’s not the full promise of WorkMonger. This will change. It will take time to build a sufficiently deep bench of jobseekers and employers to ensure high quality matches for everyone who submits a WorkMonger profile. We ask for your patience and continued support as we work to get there together.

Where We’re Going
2016 is a new year, and that means a new approach. I’m excited to announce that the beta version of WorkMonger will be coming to a close in February! Here are the top two things we will focus on in 2016:

A Focus on Education
In 2015 we learned that while our jobseekers were interested in all parts of the social impact sector (including education, housing/homelessness, healthcare, environment, etc), our employers were much more focused in the education sector. We realized at this stage we can’t be all things to all people. As a result, we are limiting our focus in 2016 to non-teaching education sector jobs.  This will include roles such as leadership, finance/accounting, operations, fundraising, data analysis, training, marketing, program design/administration, technology, curriculum design/academic support, and much more.  We will focus on serving any organization in the broader education sector, including school districts, non-profits, charter schools, foundations, think tanks, education agencies, and mission driven education enterprises such as education technology companies. By picking a specific cause (education) with which the WorkMonger team has deep subject matter expertise, we will greatly increase the likelihood of successful matches. Our long-term vision has not changed however; in future years, we plan to add additional causes in the social impact sector that we can serve, likely a cause or two at a time.

A Focus on Customer Service and Growth
While 2015 was a year of testing and tweaking, 2016 is a year of customer service and growth. While we know we won’t be able to find a job for every jobseeker, our goal is to serve every jobseeker well. To do so, we will be working to aggressively grow our base of jobseekers, employers, and successful hires in 2016.  We’ll be hiring staff and investing in a robust marketing strategy, including exhibiting at conferences.  In fact, our first is right around the corner at the Teach For America 25th Anniversary Summit in Washington, DC February 5-7th, followed by SXSWedu on March 8th right here in Austin.  If you’ll be at either conference, stop by our booth and say hello. We’d love to meet you.

The first two roles that WorkMonger will be hiring for, to be based in Austin, Texas, are a Talent Recruitment Specialist and Employer Recruitment Specialist, designed to grow our jobseeker pool and employer pool respectively. Interested in joining the team? Email team@workmonger.kinsta.cloud and let us know!

What else can I expect in 2016?

  1. New Website: Launching early February

  2. New & Improved Profile Process: Coming mid-February

Spread the Word

At this point, I hope you’re asking yourself, “How can I help?” The truth is, we can’t do it without you. We need talented people like you who care about making an impact in the world to do two simple things:

  1. Tell your jobseeking friends and colleagues to sign-up as JobSeekers

  2. Tell your friends who are hiring in the education sector to create an Employerprofile

WorkMonger’s service works best when a lot of people are using the platform. So, be a part of our movement to change how the world WORKS. Spread the word.

Thank You
As always, thank you so much for being a part of the WorkMonger community. Let’s unlock the workplace together. Here’s to 2016.

John Troy
Founder, WorkMonger

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