Who We Serve

We are a talent advisor and workforce solutions firm in the education sector specializing in talent recruitment and selection.

Why WorkTogether?

We are your guiding light through the complexities of human capital challenges in the education sector.

Our Company

Transparent Pricing

The recruitment and selection process doesn’t have to be complex and costly. We believe cost should never be a barrier to high quality talent support

Pricing for Talent

Career Matching: Free
Education Job Board: Free

Custom Pricing

At WorkTogether, we believe in upfront and transparent pricing. When your talent needs are unique, we’ll develop a proposed pricing structure for you to consider, tailored to those unique needs, for free.


At WorkTogether, we know how valuable your time is. That’s why, whenever possible, WorkTogether puts our pricing directly on the website, allowing you to make an informed decision as quickly and easily as possible. Some situations and talent needs, however, are unique. In those cases we’ll work with you to understand your particular situation, needs, and budget. We’ll then propose a custom suite of services to meet those needs, including proposed actions, timeline, and cost. You’ll have the opportunity to review our proposal, discuss any questions or concerns, and provide feedback – all free of charge. Ultimately, our goal is to develop a custom suite of services that meets your unique needs at a price you can afford.

On the call we will:

  1. Gain an understanding of your organization and your needs
  2. Discuss our services and what might be the best fit
  3. Touch on pricing, timeline and next steps

Consulting & Training

Talent-focused Consulting and Training needs are always unique – no organization’s team looks the same. We’ll tailor our offerings to provide a custom set of services best positioned to enhance your people practices and propel your mission forward.

Interim/Fractional Talent Support

Perhaps your Chief Talent Officer just went out on maternity leave. Or your team is growing quickly and you need in-house sourcing support, fast. Regardless of your unique interim, short-term, or fractional talent need, we can provide the right talent leader, right away.

Outplacement & Fellow/Alumni Career Coaching

Whether your team is unfortunately downsizing or you’re a leadership development organization and need custom career coatching for your fellows and alumni, WorkTogether’s got you covered.

WHAT is a talent consultation?

Every organization is different, and so are their hiring needs. We want to help you learn everything you need to know to decide if WorkTogther is the right talent partner for you. During a Talent Consultation we will get to know you, discuss your needs and explain how we can help. We will also address any questions, including pricing and how we can move forward.