Who We Serve

We are a talent advisor and workforce solutions firm in the education sector specializing in talent recruitment and selection.

Why WorkTogether?

We are your guiding light through the complexities of human capital challenges in the education sector.

Our Company

Transparent Pricing

The recruitment and selection process doesn’t have to be complex and costly. We believe cost should never be a barrier to high quality talent support

Pricing for Talent

Career Matching: Free
Education Job Board: Free

Personalized Career Coaching Pricing

WorkTogether Talent Consulting is committed to expert level coaching and diverse service offerings. Need help determining which is the right fit for you? Schedule a 15-minute Career Coaching Guidance call and your initial consultation is applied to any service ultimately selected. Win-win!

Most Popular

Job Search Starter Pack


Who it’s for:
The service is ideal for Education and Non-Profit JobSeekers, or for those looking to transition to the industry, at all stages of their career. *Superintendent and Non-Profit CEO candidates may benefit from Executive Job Search Support instead.

What you get:
An updated resume, updated Linkedin, personalized cover letter for one job of your choice, preparation for one job of your choice.

4 coaching calls:

  1. Developing Your Personal Value Proposition and Launching your Job Search
  2. Resume and Linkedin
  3. Cover Letter
  4. Interview Prep

Executive Job Search Support


Who it’s for:
This service is ideal for executive-level leaders targeting roles leading school systems, education agencies, and social impact organizations.

What you get:
Executive Resume LinkedIn profile, Executive Cover Letter for one role of your choice, Interview Preparation for the role of your choice.

3 coaching calls:

  1. Executive Resume and LinkedIn Profile
  2. Executive Cover Letter
  3. Interview Prep

Best Value

A la carte Career Coaching

Starts at $75

  • 30-min Feedback Call: $75
  • Developing Your Personal Value Proposition and Launching your Job Search (60 min) $199
  • LinkedIn (30 min) $149
  • Resume (30 min) $299
  • Cover Letter (30 min) $249
  • Interview Prep (60 min) $249
  • Executive Resume (45 min) $599
  • Executive Cover Letter (45 min) $599

How to get started with Career Coaching

Getting started is simpler than “easy apply”! We excel in helping individuals and teams create streamlined, aligned strategies with the right tools. Once you select your service, a career coach will reach out to you within 48 business hours to schedule your call. Get ready to experience a smoother job seeking process!