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3 Mental Barriers That Block JobSeekers From Great Opportunities

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When someone tells you that they’re looking for a job, it’s fair to assume one of two things, right? That person is either currently unemployed or is ready for a new job. Wrong. What if we told you there’s another reason to job search, and that these job seekers are the smartest of all? It’s called Passive Jobseeking.

What is Passive Jobseeking?

Passive JobSeekers are individuals who are currently employed but are open to employment prospects if the right opportunity comes their way. As a matter of fact, in 2015, 51% of those who did have jobs were searching for new ones or watching for openings (State of the American Workplace Report Gallup 2017).

What does a Passive JobSeeker look like?

At first glance, Passive JobSeekers may seem like disloyal, title-hungry, greedy job-hoppers who are eager to quit at the drop of a hat when a newer, “better” opportunity comes along. But that’s not the case.

Most Passive JobSeekers are solution-oriented team players who aim to bring value, efficiency and impactful results to their work. They constantly look for proactive ways to develop themselves professionally within their organization and occasionally, outside of their organization IF the RIGHT opportunity presents itself.

Why do employers love Passive JobSeekers?


Why Most People Don’t Do It


It’s easy to be open to career options when you’re unhappy with your job. But when you believe in the organization and like the people you work with, you may feel guilty about exploring other opportunities.

The mere thought of entertaining a new and “better” opportunity when you currently like your colleagues and perform your responsibilities with little to no problem can seem counterproductive to professional growth. This internal conflict can cause you to feel disloyal simply because you have been a part of the team at that organization for so long. Essentially, you assume you owe them your loyalty. Plus, you’re such an awesome employee, you just KNOW if you leave, the projects you’re responsible for, the people you manage, and the tasks you’re responsible for might completely fall apart.

Why you shouldn’t feel guilty

Wanting better for yourself is nothing to be ashamed of. If you’re yearning for a new location, a fresh organizational environment or an intriguing professional challenge – that’s okay! Believe it or not, the average person will change careers 10-15 times during their working life. Now, we don’t advise that you make a habit of switching jobs too often. That’s what we like to call a “job-hopper”. Our general rule of thumb is to try to stay with an employer a minimum of 2-3 years to gain relevant experience, achieve what professional progress means to you, and to have time to truly make a demonstrable impact. Every once in a while you can leave sooner, but don’t make a habit of it or you start to look like a job hopper. And, strive to never leave before finishing a year unless you a) have a life change that necessitates it or b) you absolutely have to due to a bad-fit environment.


If you’re currently employed, it’s also common to feel a little fear when you’re entertaining other jobs. The possibility of your boss finding out you are job seeking and potentially jeopardizing your current employment status can be quite daunting.

Why you should push through the fear

Concerns about confidentiality are valid and common when you’re job hunting while employed, especially if you work in a niche field/industry. You do need to be smart and aware of whether any of the information you are sharing may potentially make it back to your current employer and, if that were to happen, how you expect your current employer might respond. Don’t hesitate to let potential employers know that your job search is confidential and request that they not contact your employer until the references stage, and only after letting you know in advance so that you can give your employer a heads up.

If you’re worried about your boss catching wind of your career inquiries, one viable solution is to job search through WorkMonger. If you’re looking for non-teaching roles in the education space, we fully understand the importance of discretion in such a close-knit profession. We’re completely confidential. We request your approval to share your information with an employer before we ever do so; your information is never shared with an employer without your permission. For more useful tips on confidential job searching, check out this article.

If you’re nervous about entering a new environment with a new role and responsibilities, just remember – you’ve done it before! The job you have now – it was brand new at one time and you got the hang of it. You can do it again. Keep in mind, if a recruiter or employer reaches out to you about a potential opportunity, they see potential and promise in you and what you have to offer. So don’t count yourself out.

And if you’re nervous because of your seemingly rusty interviewing skills or outdated resume, we’ve got you covered. We have a few blogs you might find helpful.


It’s a little difficult to imagine yourself parting with an organization when you’re comfortable with where you’re at. If you’ve gotten used to a routine, making decent money and there’s just enough challenge to keep things interesting, why would you WANT to leave? Plus, jobseeking takes a ton of time and you’d rather keep your free time then spend it searching for jobs that you don’t “need.”

Why you should always think of ways to advance and challenge yourself

One of the best ways to gauge how recruiters and future employers value your expertise is by becoming a Passive Jobseeker. By agreeing to receive job propositions while you’re employed, you’ll be able to see the kind of roles that are available to you and what hiring managers generally think you’re capable of. You might be surprised by the array of opportunities waiting for you.

Passive Jobseeking also gives you an idea about new skills, certifications or experience you may need to advance in your field. Just remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained; no regrets!

We hope these tidbits helped you gain a different perspective of the jobseeking process. Now that you’re on board for Passive Jobseeking, how do you start? Great question! You’ll want to stay tuned for our next blog with action-oriented tips on how to passively jobseek.

Until then, if you’re looking to transition into a non-teaching role at a value and mission-driven organization in the education sector, consider becoming a WorkMonger JobSeeker. We help you simplify and streamline the job searching process in the education space. Our team works with some of the most dynamic education organizations in the country who are looking for great talent like yourself! We evaluate our opportunities, match them with your personality, preferences, and profile, and introduce you to the hiring managers when both you and the employer are interested – all for free.

Does this sound like something you’d like to be apart of? If so, complete your WorkMonger profile today!

We hope you found this blog to be helpful! Let us know what you think by Tweeting us at @theworkmonger or by leaving us a comment below or on our Facebook page!

Until next time, stand out & do good!


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